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Unforgettable by Eric James Stone

VERY intriguing premise and VERY entertaining, as long as you don't think too much into it.

Think too much into it and you will have questions, lots of questions. The character and plot are centered around the science of quantum physics, but don’t let that discourage you. It’s elementary-level quantum physics (if there is such a thing) explained in very simplistic English, at no point does the story become too complex or hard to follow. If anything, it might be too simplistic for its own good.

Plus qu'ennuyée More than annoyed
Triste. Sad.
Plus que triste More than sad
Malheureuse. Miserable.
Plus que malheureuse More than miserable
Souffrante. Suffering.
Plus que souffrante More than suffering
Abandonnée. Abandoned.
Plus qu'abandonnée More than abandoned
Seule au monde. Alone in the world.
Plus que seule au monde More than alone in the world
Exilée. Exiled.
Plus qu'exilée More than exiled
Morte. Dead,
Plus que morte More than dead
Oubliée. Forgotten.

- The Sedative by MARIE LAURENCIN, 1917

Unforgettable is not meant to be a thought-provoking dive into what it means to be truly alone, or the implications of quantum physics, it’s a fun ride meant to entertain you. It’s a simple spy thriller with a sci-fi twist that never deviates from its central plot, giving it a much faster pace, resulting in a much shorter book. Nevertheless, it’s an entertaining clean story that’s good for all ages.


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