Alice in Borderland Is Better Than Squid Game
If you haven’t seen Alice in Borderland yet, you're missing out on a mind-bending, adrenaline-pumping, emotionally gripping ride that deserves the crown over its more popular South Korean counterpart.

Great Films with Negative Impacts: Die Hard
Die Hard released in only 21 theaters and still managed to be a cinematic revelation. A landmark film that helping shape the action genre and spawn all manner of facsimiles to come.

2024: The Good, The Bad, The Surprising, & The Disappointing
It’s time to look back on the year that’s a solvable math problem. The following are my picks for the best and worst Movies, TV Shows, Books, and Video Games that I watched, read, and played in 2024.

Die Hard: A Christmas Movie
On this website my word is law, and I say Die Hard is not just a Christmas movie but one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time.

The Problem with Boxing
Boxing could once again become a central player in the world of sports. But does it have the will to fight for its future, or will it fade into nostalgia, a relic of a bygone era?

Great Films with Negative Impacts: Reservoir Dogs
Reservoir Dogs became a pivotal film in Hollywood history, not just for the overall quality of the film, but also for popularizing nonlinear storytelling. However, the film's influence contributed to the once-groundbreaking style becoming a negative trend in storytelling.

Great Films with Negative Impacts: The Bourne Ultimatum
The Bourne Ultimatum is widely regarded as a landmark action film. At the heart of this was the now-infamous use of the shaky cam technique, combined with rapid-fire quick cuts. While this style was groundbreaking at the time, the success of the film begat some of the worst trends in action filmmaking.

Great Films with Negative Impacts: Star Wars
The success of Star Wars was nothing short of a cultural phenomenon, revolutionizing the science fiction genre. But it set an untouchably high bar for any subsequent space opera film that dared to explore the stars.

An Introduction to Dungeons & Dragons
One of a number of videos recorded a couple years ago of me and some friends from work talking about books we like and don't like. Around the time of what could probably be called the height of the Dungeons & Dragons craze, my friend James wanted to make a video explaining the ins and outs to anyone potentially interested in getting into it. Enjoy.

The Problem with Movie Marketing
A look a when movie marketing campaigns failed in the most simplistic ways and critiquing why. Sensible and logical as they may seem, even the most standard advertisements can backfire when certain factors aren't considered.

Trials Evolution: The 100 Year Easter Egg
The Trials series quickly became known for its Easter Eggs and fourth wall-breaking riddles, but Trials Evolution took things to an insane globe-trotting, century-spanning level. On par with National Treasure, it’s easily the greatest Easter Egg of all-time.

The Most Effective Horror Movie Ever Made
There are many films throughout history that have earned the label of being historic, iconic, or game-changing, but these monikers almost always only apply within the film industry itself. There are far fewer, if any, that have had an influence outside of Hollywood and literally changed the world at large.

2023: The Good, The Bad, The Surprising, & The Disappointing
It’s time to look back on the year that’s a century away from being OCD approved. The following are my picks for the best and worst Movies, TV Shows, Books, and Video Games that I watched, read, and played in 2023.

The Day Before: From Epic Hype to Unprecedented Disaster
On January 29, 2021, Fntastic announced The Day Before to the world. What followed was one of the most mismanaged developments and disastrous releases in video game history.

Susan Lucci: The Perennial Runner-Up
While playing Erica Kane on the soap opera "All My Children” for over 41 years, from the show's debut in 1970 until its cancellation in 2011, Susan Lucci set the unlikeliest of Academy records.

Most Broken Video Game Characters: Ivan Ooze
The search is over. There is no comparison. Ivan Ooze is, by far, the most broken character in video game history. Whatever argument you want to make for any other character, you're wrong.

Most Broken Video Game Characters: Akuma
Akuma in Tekken 7 is in the unique position of being both broken and overpowered. The problem with Akuma is that he's not a Tekken character, he's a Street Fighter character. He may be in Tekken, but certainly does not play by the rules of Tekken.

Most Broken Video Game Characters: Brigitte
Very few characters in the history of gaming have ever had as big an impact on their respective games as Brigitte did on Overwatch. She destroyed one meta, created her own, then changed the fundamental architecture of the game forever.

Most Broken Video Game Characters: Lion
After 2 years of rising from the ashes of a disastrous launch filled with game-breaking glitches and failed mechanics, Rainbow 6: Siege found itself crawling back out of its own grave with the release of Year 3 Season 1: Operation Chimera, and the introduction of Lion.

The Search for the Most Broken Video Game Character
Whether it be in a casual online match with friends or randoms, or at the highest level of competition in e-sports tournaments, a broken character doesn’t just ruin the game, they can fundamentally change the way the game is played.