3rd Drawer Down

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The Emperor’s Blades

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The Emperor’s Blades (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, Book 1) by Brian Staveley

I’m sure there’s a good story in here somewhere.

The world building is absolutely amazing with interesting characters, places and creatures. The giant birds are awesome and the assassin’s are total badass’s (can’t remember what either of them are called, I’ll come back to that later).

The problem is that the writing style is incredibly bland, and gives an amazing world a dull story that’s hard to get through. Even otherwise exciting scenes lose there impact by writing that just seems to drone on. Even now, having just finished it, I couldn’t really tell you what exactly the book is about. I often found myself bored and uninterested, and not really paying attention to what was happening (hence, why I can’t remember).

I really wanted to like this book and this series, but the reality is, after starting and stopping it twice already, I finished it more out of principle. Ultimately, I don’t think I’ll be continuing the series, but I don’t know, perhaps sometime in the future I might decide to give it a second chance. I definitely see the potential.