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Deathlands: Hive Invasion

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Hive Invasion (Deathlands, Book 120) by James Axler

Modern pulp fiction at its best. 👍

(This is more a review for the Deathlands series as a whole. I’ve read multiple books in this series, but because this was the one I started with, so it gets the review. And I know some of the more hardcore fans, or classic literature enthusiast, may deny the idea of Deathlands being "pulp", but lets face it... it is. 🖕)

Because of the popularity of the movie Pulp Fiction, the actual term “pulp fiction” isn’t really used anymore in its literal sense.

Pulp: Pure escapism. It knows it’s not deep literature. It’s very light, there’s no depth, there’s no real sustenances, it’s just fun. The equivalent of a summer blockbuster in book form. It’s not meant to make you think, it’s just meant to entertain you. Or you can go by the Goodreads definition (which is basically the same thing).

And that’s exactly what Deathlands is: pure escapism. That’s all it wants to be. That’s all it’s trying to be. And it does it to perfection.

The authors do sprinkle in the occasional character development, with nothing overly complex but just enough so you can tell the characters apart. Same goes for the world building, there’s not a lot, but it’s enough to let you know that it’s a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with crazy people and horrible creatures (as an avid gamer, all I did was envision Fallout and I was good).

So, 5 out of 5? YES! (Just like Sharknado is a 5/5 movie, Deathlands is a 5/5 book) Because it achieves exactly what it set out to. Simply to entertain and provide you with an escape from your crappy reality, instead of trying to pull you into some deep, thought provoking moral and ethical dilemma that only makes you question, contemplate and remind you of said crappy reality.

Need an escape? Here you go 🤲
You’re welcome.