Beneath a Scarlet Sky


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Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan

The most emotional book I've ever read.

From the meaningful joy of a first love, to the heartbreaking sadness of watching your friends die. From the fear of being in a warzone, to the hateful determination of revenge. Beneath a Scarlet Sky runs the gauntlet of emotions.

The writing style is, 100%, what made this story amazing. Beautifully written and contextualized, finding the perfect balance of specificity and vagueness.

I personally believe the importance of this simply CANNOT be overstated (for any book). Specifics are obviously important so the reader knows what's going on, but too much and it can slow the book down. Wisely used in certain situations, you can provide a detailed experience, while being vague enough to keep pace and allow the readers imagination to fill in the blanks.

But I have to talk about the ending. Oh, that ending!

Just when you think it's coming to a close, when you think the last couple chapters are going to peacefully wrap up Pino's story right after experiencing a heartbreaking tragedy, it throws you right back in the mix of espionage and intrigue. A culminating revelation capped by the telling of Pino's extraordinary life story made for a perfect ending.




Age of Myth