2024: The Good, The Bad, The Surprising, & The Disappointing
It’s time to look back on the year that’s a solvable math problem. The following are my picks for the best and worst Movies, TV Shows, Books, and Video Games that I watched, read, and played in 2024.

2023: The Good, The Bad, The Surprising, & The Disappointing
It’s time to look back on the year that’s a century away from being OCD approved. The following are my picks for the best and worst Movies, TV Shows, Books, and Video Games that I watched, read, and played in 2023.

2022: The Good, The Bad, The Surprising, & The Disappointing
It’s time to look back on the year when the deuces ganged up on the nil and we all thought the world was getting back to normal. The following are my picks for the best and worst Movies, TV Shows and Books that I watched and read in 2022.

2021: The Good, The Bad, The Surprising, & The Disappointing
It’s time to look back on when the year twenty hundred became old enough to drink. The following are my picks for the best and worst movies, tv shows and books that I watched and read in 2021.