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The Isle

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The Isle (The Ward, Book 2) by Jordana Frankel

A buried treasure in the ocean of YA Dystopian novels.

What I liked:
Way better than I was expecting after the first book. Much more fast-paced and action-packed than your typical YA book.

Kid napping, chase scenes, fight scenes, prison breaks (sort-of), viral epidemics, human experimentation, conspiracy, self-sacrifice. There's a lot happening here, and it never lets up.

What I didn't like:
Wasn't a fan of the twist halfway through, as it pretty much came out of nowhere, wasn't foreshadowed or eluded to in any way, and at the time, seemed like a desperate attempt to keep the story interesting. But then it managed to redeem itself by being integrated into the story's resolution.

And l I felt the second half of the epilogue got a little cheesy, it should've ended on the emotional high note of the letter.